
This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to a delayed postpartum hemorrhage in a community birth setting after departure of the primary provider, with care being provided by a nurse (or other clinical birth assistant) and a doula (or other non-clinical birth assistant.) The scenario includes initiating emergency postpartum transfer to a higher level of care for ongoing management of postpartum hemorrhage. View Drill Kit from Delayed Postpartum Hemorrhage with Nurse and Doula Present
This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to a postpartum mental health crisis occurring in an outpatient care setting including urgent transport of a postpartum client either by EMS or private vehicle to the Emergency Department. View Drill Kit from Postpartum Mental Health Crisis
This Drill Kit tests the community response to a birth occurring unexpectedly in a non-clinical community setting. The scenario includes prompts and guidance for an uncomplicated, precipitous vaginal birth of a healthy newborn.View Drill Kit from Birth In Place: Girl Scouts / Good Samaritan
This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to an antepartum severe range blood pressure occurring in a community setting including emergency transport of a pregnant patient.View Drill Kit from Severe Range Blood Pressure in Pregnant Patient
This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to a cord prolapse occurring in a community birth setting including emergency transport of a laboring patient receiving midwifery care to manage the emergency during transport. View Drill Kit from Cord Prolapse
This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to a shoulder dystocia complicated by a neonatal resuscitation occurring in community birth setting including the emergency transport of a neonatal patient. View Drill Kit from Shoulder Dystocia with Neonatal Resuscitation
This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to an immediate postpartum hemorrhage occurring in a community birth setting including emergency transport of a postpartum patient.View Drill Kit from Birth with Postpartum Hemorrhage
This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to fetal bradycardia in the first stage of labor occurring in a community birth setting including emergency transport of a laboring patient.View Drill Kit from First Stage Fetal Bradycardia
This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to a second stage fetal bradycardia occurring in a community birth setting including emergency transport of an intrapartum patient.View Drill Kit from Second Stage Fetal Bradycardia
A tool to systematically assess different community birth center stakeholders and identify approaches to address their concerns and/or interests.View Download from Birth Center Stakeholder Map
Sample checklists for birth center admission, second stage of labor, discharge, and transfer. Download an editable version and adapt to the specific needs of your practice.View Download from Birth Center Checklists
View Download from Transfer Planning Template
A sample document to help you establish eligibility for birth center or hospital-based midwifery management. The document is organized by body systems (cardiovascular and hematologic health, endocrine, etc.) and provides sections for pre-pregnancy conditions/factors and for conditions present in the current pregnancy.View Download from Birth Center Eligibility and Midwife-Physician Collaborative Care Guidelines
An editable modeling tool to help you identify birth center staffing needs based on information specific to your practice.View Download from Birth Center Staffing Model
A sample, and editable template, of birth center job descriptions. Adapt and change to fit your birth center and state regulatory environment.View Download from Birth Center Job Descriptions
A sample transfer agreement between birth center and hospital. The purpose of this agreement is to facilitate the continuity of care and timely transfer of patients and medical records, and to establish a mutually beneficial collaborative arrangement between the parties.View Download from Hospital – Birth Center Transfer Agreement
Use this fun and engaging activity to ensure your team is prepared for emergencies.View Download from Perinatal Safety Scavenger Hunt
This guide collates critical tools, information, and resources to help hospitals and health systems integrate the freestanding birth center model, an evidence-based strategy to improve maternal and infant health outcomes and equity. Get step-by-step instructions and specialized tools designed for and with hospitals, birth centers, and community members to accelerate the safe adoption of birth centers.View Guide from Hospital Guide to Integrating the Freestanding Birth Center Model
This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to neonatal respiratory distress occurring in a community birth setting including emergency transport of a neonatal patient. View Drill Kit from Neonatal Respiratory Distress