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Drill Kits

Drill Kits are the heart of the Step Up Together program.

Drill Kits are a complete, ready-made guide for healthcare teams to test and practice responding to an emergency while moving a patient from a community-based setting into the hospital. Each kit focuses on one specific clinical scenario, from non-urgent birth center transfers to emergency situations in rural or community-based settings.

Drill Kits include step-by-step instructions, detailed clinical prompts, and observer worksheets. They walk teams through either full or partial drills, ensuring that everyone from community-based providers to hospital staff is prepared to handle transfers with efficiency, confidence and collaboration.

Explore DrillKits Below

Explore Drill Kits

This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to a delayed postpartum hemorrhage in a community birth setting after departure of the primary provider, with care being provided by a nurse (or other clinical birth assistant) and a doula (or other non-clinical birth assistant.) The scenario includes initiating emergency postpartum transfer to a higher level of care for ongoing management of postpartum hemorrhage.

This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to a postpartum mental health crisis occurring in an outpatient care setting including urgent transport of a postpartum client either by EMS or private vehicle to the Emergency Department.

This Drill Kit tests the community response to a birth occurring unexpectedly in a non-clinical community setting. The scenario includes prompts and guidance for an uncomplicated, precipitous vaginal birth of a healthy newborn.

This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to an antepartum severe range blood pressure occurring in a community setting including emergency transport of a pregnant patient.

This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to a cord prolapse occurring in a community birth setting including emergency transport of a laboring patient receiving midwifery care to manage the emergency during transport.

This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to a shoulder dystocia complicated by a neonatal resuscitation occurring in community birth setting including the emergency transport of a neonatal patient.

This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to an immediate postpartum hemorrhage occurring in a community birth setting including emergency transport of a postpartum patient.

This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to fetal bradycardia in the first stage of labor occurring in a community birth setting including emergency transport of a laboring patient.

This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to a second stage fetal bradycardia occurring in a community birth setting including emergency transport of an intrapartum patient.

This Drill Kit tests the emergency response to neonatal respiratory distress occurring in a community birth setting including emergency transport of a neonatal patient.

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